Huli從傳紙條輕鬆學習基本網路概念每當提到「網路概念」這幾個字,就會想起以前上計算機概論的時候,一大堆名詞排山倒海而來,OSI 七層網路模型、TCP/IP 四層、三次握手…雖然說有個大概的感覺,但還是不知道那些理論到底在幹嘛。Sep 25, 201917Sep 25, 201917
Katrien De GraeveSetting up Azure IoT Edge on Windows EFLOW with OPC Publisher 2.8 LTSIn this article we go through the steps in setting up both an Azure IoT Edge on Windows platform, running Linux based containers, as well…Aug 13, 2021Aug 13, 2021
InGlobantbyDiego JaimesModeling Digital TwinsA key element for valuable virtual representationsJun 7, 20221Jun 7, 20221